Wednesday, May 22, 2013

♥ Being Sick Can Be... Fun?

So the last few days I have felt  m i s e r a b l e. 

Contrary to most of your accusations and beliefs, NO I am not pregnant. (Sorry to let you down Lacy & Grandma.) Who would've thought one little Facebook status could cause so much speculation? I'll be more careful in the future.

Instead I had an awful flu that circulated around Brooks' family in AZ.

Not only did I throw up (multiple times) for the first time in over 13 years, but I also had a pounding headache, a raspy sore throat, a fever, and my body ached all over. 

Fun right?

Actually... it kind of was.

Well, not the being sick part.

Despite my nappy hair and sore neck from bending over the toilet, I was able to catch up on a lot of sleep, (I slept 13 straight hours Monday night... if that doesn't scream unhealthy I don't know what does), TV shows (Brooks and I watched the entire third season of 24...we're super productive I know), and with all my vomiting I lost a couple of pounds... not complaining

I was also able to do some good reading and played around with my blog a little bit in case you couldn't tell.

Anyways, I'm finally getting better, which is good because I'd probably go insane with cabin fever (Hereeeeee's Johnny!) if I had to lie on the couch one more day.

I do appreciate the calls and treats from those of you who were so sweet, even if it was just to find out if I was expecting or not (which just to clarify again, I'm not. My extra large box of Tampax Pearls can vouch for me). 

 Well anyways, this post was basically just to confirm that I had the flu and to quench the rumors, soooooo that's about all I got.  Oh and also, Natalie gets home in three weeks!  Let the countdown begin!


1 comment:

  1. Not fun being sick but it's great to have a little down time as well. Oh and just to warn you, even after you have your first baby, any sign, ANY sign, "Are your pregnant?"


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