Brooks and I just got back from the most wonderful vacation in AZ for my sister-in-law Lauren's wedding! The weather wasn't too hot and all of Brooks' aunts (my favorites) came to town, so it was a party.
The week went something like this:
Sunday- Brooks, Sonic and I flew to AZ on a tiny airline in Provo which flies straight to Mesa. It wasn't exactly my favorite trip I've ever had... First off, our flight was delayed an hour and all the seats in the waiting area were taken so we had to sit on a table. Next, Brooks and I checked in kind of late for our flight and weren't able to sit next to each other because of it. So Brooks was sandwiched in between two morbidly obese women in the front row, and let me tell ya, he got off easy. I was able to enjoy some pleasant small talk with the women next to me about her multiple possessions by Satan. Lucky me. Needless to say it was a less than lovely flight.
So anyways, we finally made it to AZ and finished off Mother's Day by playing the Reynolds' favorite game called Celebrity. It's kind of a version of charades but with a lot more to it and is so fun. I was kind of rusty at it since it was my first time so I let my aunties down, sorry Ali & Juliette. We'll make up for it next time!
Monday- We decided to lay out by the pool to get some color for the wedding. We waded out into the pool and before we knew it Sonic decided to just jump right in! Haha he was quite the sight, and we were able to snatch a few pics and a video. He was doggy paddling like crazy, it was the cutest thing ever. That night we headed over to Zack's house (Lauren's new husband) to set up some lights for the reception, and then just spent the night with family.

Tuesday- Brooks and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary!! I seriously can't believe it's already been two years. Part of me feels like it went by in the blink of an eye, and the other part feels like I've been with him forever. Brooks surprised me in the morning by creeping out early to get me a gift card to Nordstrom, some Sunflowers (my favorite), and a cute Mickey & Minnie Mouse card in honor of our engagement in
Disneyland so that was sweet, and I got him a Giants hat! Haha I'm trying my best to convert him. We headed over to Tempe Town Lake and rented a pedal boat to take out on the lake! It was really fun and cute of him. We grabbed lunch, went shopping, and got some yummy cupcakes! It was a blast. I really am the luckiest girl. We came home and spend the evening with family for Lauren's first time going through the temple which was beautiful. All in all a perfect day.

Wednesday- Was Lauren and Zack's rehearsal dinner! Everything looked beautiful and the food was fantastic (which is really all I cared about). Brooks and his brother Garrett said some funny things, and there were also some sweet speeches and musical numbers. Afterwards, Lauren's friend threw a bachelorette party so we went and had fun playing games such as "pin the torpedo on the sailor." It was a classy ending to a beautiful day.
Thursday- Was the wedding day. It started off with a dramatic bang when we were all getting ready downstairs with Brooks' family when all of a sudden I hear Sonic yelp. At first I just thought someone accidentally stepped on him, but he kept yelping and literally screaming and crying louder and louder and ran straight to me, and I heard his aunt yell the word "Scorpion." Yes, poor Sonic noticed a little scorpion that sneaked into the house and sniffed it and it stung his poor nose. It was THE SADDEST THING I have ever seen in my entire life, and I immediately began to cry because I thought he was going to die and he was in so much pain. (Don't even bother teasing me for being a crazy dog lady, I'm more than aware.) We zipped him over to the animal hospital nearby and they said he should be okay, but it would irritate him for a while, and unless he had any weird reactions he would be fine. H a l l e l u j a h. So basically I hate scorpions now and will kill every last one of them to avenge Sonic.
Anyways, we made it to the temple in time to see them get married which
was beautiful. I cried again, which is okay since I now have eyelash extensions and don't have to worry about mascara running down my face. I'm thinking positively people.
Anyways, Lauren's dress turned out beautifully and she and Zack were SO
happy. We arrived early to the reception for pictures and the rest of
the night was just fun. They had gelato, chocolate covered
strawberries/cherries/pretzels and all sorts of amazing desserts (which
we've already established is my favorite part) and the decor turned out
amazing. It really was the perfect wedding!
Friday & Saturday- The last couple of days were spent cleaning up after the wedding, relaxing, and spending some quality time with Brooks' family that was in town. I honestly love Brooks family, and cried when I had to say goodbye. I wish we could just be on vacation forever.
So now we are home, back to reality doing laundry and unpacking. Thanks for the fun Arizona, it was real.