Tuesday, March 5, 2013

♥ Love & Blogs.

I am in love with love.  

I love seeing the transformation in a person that starts with being single to falling in love.  They just seem to radiate happiness and are always smiling.

Brooks' sister Lauren got engaged last night to the love of her life Zack, and we couldn't be happier.  They make each other so happy and it'll be so fun to have more married siblings.

Cutest couple award.

 We are all counting the days until May 16th to see these two tie the knot!

So now onto my topic of the day: blogs.

I love blogs.  I love writing and reading what others have wrote.  I love how personal blogs can be and how helpful they are with DIYs, Marriage, Kids, etc.  I also love the blogging "network" you can become a part of.  It's like an elite club between bloggers where you have a connection and all become friends via internet. It also helps me try to be more interesting rather than blogging the same old boring update every time (i.e. most of my posts).

My good friend Sarah who is an unreal artist has an adorable blog and she challenged some fellow bloggers to do the oh so popular "5 things" trend that originated on Instagram, and post it on their blog.  Our mutual blogging friend Jamey (who is also an amazing blogger) did her "5 things" and challenged all of her friends to do so and then post the link onto her blog. Soooo basically I'm being pressured into it so I can be as cool and creative as they are, but since I already did my "5 things" on Instagram and don't want to be completely boring I'm doing one for my homeboy too.


  1. I'm terrible at geography. I didn't realize Washington D.C. wasn't in the state of Washington until I was 17, and if I were stranded on a small island with nothing but a map I would most likely die.
  2.  My biggest pet peeve is when people scrape their teeth on their forks while eating. I literally cringe and have to hum to myself or talk really loud to avoid hearing the most wretched sound on this earth, which is also bad for your teeth and terrible manners and I just absolutely hate it more than anything and gahhhhhhhh.
  3. I love animals. When I was a little girl all I wanted to be was a Vet, until I realized I'd have to put animals to sleep.  I pull over for EVERY stray animal I see and call the owner's # on their collar, and wait for them to pick them up and/or take them home with me. This probably sheds some light for some of you as to why I'm obsessed with my dog.
  4. I'm a closet bookworm, and have been ever since I was a little girl.  I used to get in trouble for staying up too late reading books under my covers with a flashlight, and was teased a lot in grade school for always winning the "best reader" awards. I also am a loyal member of the Provo City Library and have my library card on my key ring.
  5. I'm kinda sorta an emotional wreck.  I cry in just about every movie I watch and book I read, and whenever I see someone cry... I cry for them.  I'm just extremely empathetic and feel for people very easily.  My period may or may not have something to do with it as well.
B R O O K S 
He's so cute.... gush.

  1. Brooks hates gum.  He refuses to chew it, and seeing it on the street or underneath desks/shoes grosses him out.  He's definitely a "Listerine & Breath mints" kind of a guy. 
  2. Brooks is definitely a closet nerd. He loves anything that has to do with LOTR, Xbox, and any sort of sci-fi book/movie/game. We are always seeing the midnight showing of some new movie in his favorite franchise, including midnight releases of his favorite new video games. Seriously.
  3. Brooks is very OCD about certain things, mainly his possessions.  He always folds his t-shirts rather than hanging them so we won't stretch the necks out, he keeps his wallet/keys in the same place every day, and can't stand any sort of clutter/clothes lying around.
  4. Brooks is addicted to Diet Coke.  He makes excuses to go out of his way and stop at a gas station, just so he can get a coke.  He even asked for it for his birthday this weekend.
  5. Brooks has the loudest/funniest/most infectious laugh while watching tv/movies.  You can always hear him no matter what room of the house you are in, and people always turn around in movie theaters. 
Well there you have it.  We're definitely both odd, but somehow still love each other!

I now challenge all my many followers (s a r c a s m) to post five things about yourself others may or may not know!

Love you all.... (mom and grandma)



  1. YESSSS>>>> I'm loving these tags right now. Each and everyone of them. It's sooo true that there's a little community! It's so fun! Thanks for the shout out! :)


  2. And I just realized I wasn't following your blog [whatwhat]? But now I am, soooo we're cool.
    Also, love the new design.
    Also also You and Brooks are ADORBS.
    Can't. Handle. It.



  3. I'll take you up on the challenge!! To come in a few days....

    Congrats to Lauren! Having married siblings is the BEST!


  4. You are the prettiest cry-er I've ever seen.. And B does have the best laugh!


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