I know, I know, I have been slacking on the blogging.
To be fair, I haven't been able to use my laptop for a month due to lack of wifi.
So, really quickly, I'll catch up on my life, starting with my amazing reception that Kate Hargadon photographed for us!
We held it at the Whitney Ranch House in Rocklin, which was so beautiful! It had big iron gates, candles, thousands of cupcakes, wedding pictures, a dance floor, and of course, all the people I love.
Couple dance = more tears.

Throwing the bouqet.
All the single ladies catching the bouqet.
Needless to say, the reception was perfect. We were graciously provided with lots of gifts, and inappropriate writing on our car. (Thanks carli)
From Disneyland to San Diego, San Diego to Mexico, Mexico to Arizona, and Arizona to Sacramento, this wedding process has been a dream come true.
Alright, now to current things.
We are currently back in Mesa, Arizona, happily living together as Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds!
Although I miss my family and friends like crazy, I am slowly getting used to this place.
Here's a few things I've learned.
- It is hot.
- There are scorpions.
- People are obsessed with a gas station called QT.
- The buildings all seem flatter, as well as the landscape.
- It's very hot.
- Everyone drives the speed limit on the freeway.
- People like to use rocks instead of grass for their yards.
- It's really hot.
- The wards are huge.
- Every road is exactly the same and is 45 mph.
- People like to park on the wrong side of the street. (weird.)
- Have I mentioned it's hot?
Haha okay, so I might exaggerate a bit, the heat hasn't killed me.... yet.
But seirously, I actually do really like it here! I have just learned to appreciate air conditioning, swimming pools, and constantly having a drink in my hand more than I ever have.
It will definitely be a nasty shock going back to Utah for the fall after getting so used to the heat, but I guess just one more year with snow won't kill me. I hope.
The Reynolds family has been taking great care of us, and I am so lucky to have them as my new family!
Anyways, sorry it's taken so long. Thanks so much for your sweet comments and messages! We miss you all!
Christie, you are the cutest. So happy for you two!